Drone UXO Detection Using Magnetometer

Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) detection is critical for identifying potentially hazardous explosives that remain undetonated in areas affected by military activities. A magnetometer is an instrument used to detect magnetic anomalies caused by ferrous metal objects, making it ideal for identifying buried UXO. When mounted on a drone, this technology allows for efficient, non-invasive detection of UXOs across large and difficult-to-access areas.

How Sky Sight Facilities Management Can Carry Out UXO Detection Using Magnetometers

Drone Equipped with Magnetometer: At Sky Sight, we use drones equipped with magnetometers specifically calibrated for detecting UXOs. These magnetometers measure minute variations in the Earth’s magnetic field caused by metallic objects, such as unexploded bombs or shells.

Survey Planning: We design and programme a detailed flight path that ensures thorough coverage of the area under investigation. The drone flies systematically over the land at a set altitude, scanning for magnetic anomalies.

Data Collection: As the drone flies over the designated area, the magnetometer continuously records magnetic data. Any disruption in the magnetic field could indicate the presence of buried UXOs.

Post-Processing and Interpretation: Collected data is processed using specialised software, creating maps that highlight areas with significant magnetic anomalies. These maps can then be analysed to pinpoint the exact locations of potential UXOs, which can then be safely excavated or neutralised.

Benefits of Drone-Based UXO Detection

Increased Safety: Using drones for UXO detection keeps personnel at a safe distance from potentially hazardous explosives, reducing the risk of accidents or injuries.

Efficient Coverage of Large Areas: Drones can survey large and difficult-to-access areas more quickly and efficiently than traditional ground-based methods, especially in remote or hazardous environments.

Non-Invasive: Drone-mounted magnetometers detect UXOs without disturbing the ground, making this method suitable for environmentally sensitive areas or areas where physical access is difficult.

Cost-Effective: Reducing the need for large teams and manual labour, drone UXO surveys can lower operational costs while increasing efficiency and accuracy.

How It Differs from Traditional Methods

Speed: Traditional UXO detection often involves ground crews using handheld magnetometers or other metal detection devices, which can be slow and labour-intensive. Drones allow for much faster area coverage, reducing survey time significantly.

Safety: Traditional UXO detection requires personnel to physically be in the field, often in potentially dangerous areas. Drone surveys keep people safely away from UXO-contaminated land, significantly lowering the risk.

Access to Difficult Terrain: Drones can easily access areas that are hard to reach or unsafe for ground crews, such as marshlands, mountainous regions, or areas with dense vegetation.

Accuracy: Drones can fly at consistent altitudes and follow precise flight paths, leading to more uniform and accurate data collection compared to handheld equipment that is susceptible to human error.

At Sky Sight Facilities Management, we combine advanced drone technology with magnetometer systems to provide a safer, faster, and more efficient way to detect UXOs. Our services offer a significant advantage over traditional ground-based methods by minimising risk, enhancing data accuracy, and allowing for rapid survey execution, making them ideal for military, construction, and land remediation projects.